Effective Communication, Meeting and Presentations Skills

Bogor, 26 – 28 Januari 2016
Bogor, 26 – 28 April 2016
Bandung, 23 – 25 Agustus 2016
Yogyakarta, 22 – 24 November 2016

Communication in daily life holds a very important role, this is due to communication have a functions to connect a desire to other people. Specifically communication have four specific functions: control functions (control, supervision), motivation, emotional and information disclosures. Communications act to control the member’s behavior in several ways. Every organization has the authority hierarchy and the formal guidelines that must be followed by employees.

Communication connects with one another, and we understand that one organization involved in employee that have the characteristics and different behavior, so enormous opportunity for error in the information communication. 

There are two types of communication that is formal and informal communication, both two types of communication is always present in every human activity. Besides that, in the form of communication known as verbal communication and non-verbal communication, both two forms is also always present natural human activity. This training will provide an overview of how to make formal & non-formal communication, verbal and non-verbal communication so that the significant impact for the development of the company.

Purpose and objectives of training
             Improve the ability of human resources to understand how communication is built in a business organization that will impact on the smooth organization.
             Increase the understanding of the trainers will be the ability to conduct business communications both formal and informal.
             Increasing the skills of the trainees will be the ability to make a presentation based on IT.

Training materials:
Day One:
The concept of communication and role in a business organization.
In this section, there will be things that are associated with: the concept of communication, the purpose of communication, the history of science, to understand the types of business communication in the organization, how communication in the presentation, the process of communication and business communication, communication, distorted, the source of distortion, etc.

Formal & non-formal network in the communication and good presentation.
In this section, there will be issues related to: communication network, formal and in formal communication, how to communicate on the network, formal, effective communication network in the non-formal, verbal communication and non-verbal effective.

Day two: Good presentation
The materials presented are: the preparation of the presentation, which must be taken in the presentation, improving presentation skills, determination of the presentation materials, techniques and strategies to control audience, to develop vocal presentation, the emphasis in the presentation

Day three: Make a practice of the presentation material
In part this will be the practice of how to make materials for the presentation by using a power point or flash, the materials that will be associated with the type of presentation practices and how to utilize computer technology presentation.

Fifth day:
Practice presentation in this section, each participant will be given the opportunity to make a presentation of the materials that have been made.

Dr. Ayi Tejaningrum, M.Si. adalah lulusan program Doktoral (S3) dari ITB, Bandung, Jurusan Teknik & Manajemen Industri. lebih dari 16 tahun (mulai tahun 1990) mengajar diperguruan tinggi (IKOPIN, STIE Ekuitas, Universitas Widyatama) dengan bidang kajian pada mata kuliah : Perilaku Organisasi, Perancangan produk, Manajemen Mutu, ISO 9000, Manajemen Bisnis, Statisiik, Teknik Proyeksi Bisnis, Ergonomi dan Teknik Tatacara Kerja, Manajemen Persediaan, Manajemen Produksi, Sistem Produksi, Pengenalan Bahan, Metode Kuantitatif, Analisis Data Survey, Statsitik, Pengantar aplikasi komputer dll.

Sejak Tahun 2000 sampai dengan sekarang aktif sebagai instruktur pelatihan bagi Karyawan PT. Pertamina (Persero), PT. PUSRI, Pupuk Kaltim, PT. Melamin, PT. Badak, PT. PLN (Persero), PT MEDCO E&P Indonesia, PT ARUN NGL. Dan pada berbagai jenis pelatihan khususnya bidang teknik dan manajemen industri. Sampai saat ini tercatat sudah lebih dari 170 kelas pelatihan pernah dilaksanakan dan bertindak sebagai instruktur utama.
Organizational change, diversity  and electronic communications  have changed the face of  the  work place. Today, more  than ever, success  depends  upon the combined  cooperation, commitment and action of people-both face-to-face and across electronic and  cyber channels. Our  technical  abilities are not enough to guarantee our success.  We need to  adjust and  improve our  personal and inter-personal leadership to meet this rapidly change today’s business environment.
General Information
ü  Quality training material (hardcopy and softcopy)
ü  Quality training kits
ü  Morning and afternoon coffee / tea breaks and lunch for along the training
ü  Certificate of Completion

Tuition Fee & Registration  Deadline
IDR 8.750.000,-/ Person, (exclude Ppn 10% & Acomodation)
Registration and payment deadline a weeks before training held.
For Further Information and Registration Please Contact
Anni Nuraini         +62 812 807 1412
Hilmi Atoillah       +62 856 467 179 04
Ika Ratnawati       +62 813 1996 6720

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